Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Baby's Position

All this week and last week the baby has been so high that I've been getting out of breath walking across my school. The good news is that she has settled down lower, the bad news is apparently she's sitting right on my bladder. Tonight at dinner with friends I apparently drank too much water and, in the span of 20 minutes, made three trips to the restroom to pee. I guess now wherever she is hanging out, the baby will be making Mommy uncomfortable!

Monday, February 9, 2009

6 Months!

Considering how big I was at three months, I'm feeling quite large right about now. Everyone at work is shocked at how far the baby has popped out since I didn't even show until about a month ago, but now there's no denying there's a baby under there! She is still more active at night and when I lay on my side, but will sometimes start dancing at school. Josh decided we needed a trip to the gym's pool yesterday which forced me into a bathing suit. I came out of the bedroom to watch Josh start laughing hysterically- he claims because of how cute I looked.