Friday, September 30, 2011

End of September

Well here we are at the end of another month and we still aren't in the new house. Getting very frustrated at this point...but there are lots of positives in the Long house. I still have a ton of pictures to post and might get to them later tonight.

Juliette is talking constantly now and not a lot of that cute babbling baby talk..kind of miss it. She likes asking for a chocolate egg in the morning aka an m&m in one of her plastic eggs. Hey what th eheck it's only a little mm so we usually give it to her, she looks so happy and says Ooooh for me? THANK YOU! Last night she was not interested in dinner and wanted to pretend she was a puppy. So I asked her if she wanted a puppy treat (a green bean). She ate the entire bowl of them! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do in the dirty world of being a mommy. I think it was a moment of genius!! She is very aware of the people in her life and people she hasn't seen for a while. Last night she asked to play with Rachel- her teenage babysitter, this morning she wanted to see Uncle Kiss and Aunt Cake (Chris and Kelley). When she gets home she has some name isues with transitioning from Cindy's so she'll say Cindy, Nana, Mommy, Daddy, until she gets the right one out :). She it totally in love with her train table and the other night while we were at parent conferences, she rediscovered her little VW bug battery car to ride in! She gets so excited to hop in, press down the gas, and crash into the cabinets. We'll work on steering later!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm Minnie Mouse!

To try to explain the joy that Juliette had when she saw her Minnie Mouse costume is impossible. She didn't want to take it off! Unfortunately it's quite small and has no elastic so she won't be doing any trick or treating in it. She'll be a poodle on candy night, but I wanted to get some pictures of her as Minnie. I thought she would be an angel getting pictures done since she loves the dress so much....nope. She was scared of the light from the other photographers and just wanted to climb into Nana's lap. Thankfully we got her excited about the leaves and sitting on a big girl chair and ended up with some really great pictures.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Hey Mar--keep meaning to call you--if you get a strange postcard in the mail and wonder who the heck is Tyson, that would be one of my third graders who didn't turn in an assignment to get the address of someone who didn't live with him to write to (we were doing a book about the post office) so I just wrote your address on his postcard!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day weekend

We had a great time over the holiday weekend. Monday we went over to Amelia's house for a rescheduled playdate/birthday party with the two girls- it was supposed to be last weekend but Hurricane Irene changed those plans! It was great to be able to sit down and talk to her parents while the kids played since we only get to chat on the fly from Cindy's. When I told Juliette we would be seeing Amelia, she said Cindy too. Nope, not this time kiddo. Apparently Amelia said the same thing too! It was so cute watching them play, fight, hug, play some more, the usual two year old stuff. We got Amelia coloring books, crayons, sidewalk chart, and a paint book and I KNEW Juliette would want in on that so I got her one of the paint books too- Dora of course. So that was one thing we got to do while we were over there and they loved it. They also played on the deck with the chalk and made some nice lines :). Amber- Amelia's mom- wanted the girls to make their own pizzas and Juliette thought that was awesome because she got to stand on a step stool. They got a piece of that Boboli bread which juliete took a bit out of right away, pepperoni, and mozzerela cheese, oh and sauce...yeah sauce. Juliette saw Amelia eating the pepperoni and cheese and tried them too- I think they each ate about 5 pieces of it! That was exciting to see her try new food. And she even ate it when it came out of the oven! The kids wore party hats- too cute but Amelia tried to pull Juliette's off which made a crying scene but it was a quick one since Juliette was distracted by cake. Her parents also had bracelets and rings for them to wear- Juliette wore them to Cindy's this morning, had to have one on each hand too! Somewhere Juliette picked up the Happy Birthday song and started singing it..that was adorable. Pictures will be coming later tonight!