Saturday, November 14, 2009


Juliette and I have had a Nana and Grandpa countdown for the last month and now it's T minus 6 days until they get here! We're very excited! Some visits to Santa are planned- yes multiples just in case the first time she's scared- Xmas photos taken at Picture People, her first Thanksgiving, and some quality time with the grandparents to show off all her new tricks even though they've seen a lot of them over the web cam with Skype. Still, she's gone through a lot of changes since they saw her in September. I will be grateful for some company while Josh is working. The plan is to keep Nana hostage until Xmas break and then take her back when we go up. So we'll all be one happy family until the new year. It'll be nice to have some time with Nana when we aren't so exhausted all the time :).

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