Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well last night sucked. I don't know what was bothering her, but Juliette was up from about midnight until 5 off on and on- even my secret weapon didn't knock her out. She was fast asleep after her little snack at 2am and when I put her down, she freaked out. At 5 I just laid her on my chest and she fell asleep, content to just cuddle with me. I'm hoping she naps for a little bit today and has a better night tonight. I even gave her Tylenol before bed, but that didn't do squat to help her sleep. No, I don't routinely drug my kid- she got her shots so I wanted to help her out if there was any soreness. Today we get the new dishwasher installed and my project is getting the Xmas cards sent out after addressing the last few envelopes. This is the first year we've done cards since we had our pictures done- hey it's her first one so it had to be special :).

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