Monday, May 31, 2010

One year ago

Well it's officially been one year now- as of June 1, that we've had Juliette home. I was looking through the FLIP videos and thought I would share this from the day we brought her home.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Way too cute

Dad and Grandpa built the chair Aunt Mari sent down for her and we can't get her out of it! It's low enough to the ground that she can climb onto it least with one leg. We take her off and she tried to climb right back on. She even put her Mickey Mouse doll on the chair!! She's also been carrying around this puppy by the ear all unsnaps at the legs and becomes a pillow.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Birthday Party!

Here are just a few pictures from today's party. She had a great time and after her nap was able to have more fun playing with her new toys. I'll put more pics up soon, but right now I'm exhausted. I don't know how I would have done it without help from my parents, Becky, and of course Josh. She kept her crown on the ENTIRE time! I was shocked since she ripped it off when the photographer was here! This was also her first time with chocolate.

Our friend made her this cake with Mickey and Toodles. As soon as she saw it, her hand went to grab Toodles making a lovely whole right in the middle of the cake. Isn't that half the fun of a baby's first party???

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my baby!! I can't believe it! Yesterday was a huge day in our house. Along with the construction going on, we had kindermusik, then a fight for an early afternoon nap, then a nap that was spilling into the photo time, then a two hour photo shoot at the house! Augh! No wonder Juliette slept until 8 this morning!! Here are a few of the pictures that the photographer sent me this morning as a sneak peek. The BEST part is that we get ALL the pictures and don't have to stress over which ones to pick. Click on the link or copy and paste.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Juliette seems to be feeling much better today. I hope she's totally over it by her party this weekend. I'm going to have to get tough with the contractor this week because he can't leave any of his tools around the outside of the house and has to have everything taken to the dump so the kids playing don't get hurt. I know one of the little boys coming will head right for the scrap pile and land on a nail..I can just see it. The rash on her face is just about cleared up- yay because the photographer comes on Wednesday.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Shoes!

Now that she has taken a few steps, it was time for Juliette to get her first pair of real shoes. We headed over to Saxon by the mall and tried a few pair of Stride Rite shoes in different sizes- surprise she has a wide I did when I was little. I saw a really cute pair of walking shoes, but they only had them in brown with pink flowers so they are ordering the white ones for me to come back and try on her. I ended up getting her a pair of sandals for the summer that are big enough to last the summer-hopefully. And if anyone is surprised I took the camera, you obviously don't know me very well :)

The right shoe--wrong color!
Getting measured!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Afternoon outside.


Still a favorite!

Juliette rediscovered her old favorite- Where is Baby's Belly Button?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poor baby

Juliette woke up on Monday night sick. She's miserable and I don't blame her. She can't nap in her crib so she's sleeping on me. She's drooling like mad thanks to three teeth coming in at once, has a mean looking diaper rash from it, nasty poops, and a nose running like crazy. It's not like her little leaky nose she had in April, it's like a full blown one like in January only now she's a lot stronger and able to fight the aspirator harder. I'm just chasing her around with tissues at this point. She's doing a good job at staying hydrated and we've got ice pops she loves to suck on...staying away from milk for the time being because of the congestion. I'm hoping she's better by her party next week.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

back on!

The contractor FINALLY showed up again this morning to get back to work. His reasoning for not coming yesterday was the rain. Ummm it's raining today too! He's working on the new floor and Juliette is struggling with a little cold she woke up with last night. I was amazed she took her nap with them banging and sawing and pounding right by her door, yet when I crinkle a bag, she's up in a flash!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Here's some evidence for where Juliette gets her light hair with curls!
This would be Josh and his mom when he was about a year and a half. See the curly light hair? His was on top though-Juliette's is in the back of her hair.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Out for a stroll

Since the day we brought her home, Juliette has loved being outside and it calms her down instantly. She loves our walks around the neighborhood.


Here she is in Kindermusik during bubble time. I went out that day and bought the bubbles Bonnie used because they stick around FOREVER! I'm serious-we went out for a few hours and they were still stuck to the carpet and the furniture! As you can see Juliette is not shy at all about going up to Bonnie to check out what's going on. And no, she didn't walk over, but I'm impressed by how much she is standing now on her own.

First Sucker

Yeah they call them suckers down here. I found them in the organic candy section at Wegman's. I'm turning into something I didn't want to be!!! So yes I shop in the organic section for certain things like milk- too many hormones in regular cow milk in my opinion. I got the lollipops because I wanted her to have a special treat, but not all that crap sugar. These are made from real fruit juices and natural sugar. I only let her lick it a few times before putting it away. They come in some cool flavors too like pomegranate!


Tomorrow the contractor is supposed to come back- finally- to continue the work on our bathroom. I'm hoping he still honors our original contract that states it will be done 2-3 weeks after getting the materials and the materials have been just sitting in the shed for a week already. Hmmm should I take him to People's Court?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


One for Nana

Here you go Nana, since you thought the picture was so cute...a little video evidence to back it up :).

Monday, May 10, 2010


Today I ended my search for a sitter for the fall. Miss Cindy will be watching Juliette and 4 others including my friend's twin boys. She's a sweet older lady with a huge backyard and the kids seemed really happy there. Juliette got right on the floor and played with the boys. There's also a little girl a few months younger than Juliette.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Baby and Mommy...and the thumb

Don't worry it's just water

For some reason Juliette thinks she's hot stuff when she's drinking from what the big people drink from. That's the best way to keep her drinking water- put it in an attractive container!

New Tooth

Here's a picture--you know you wanted to see it-of her latest little tooth. Now she's got 7 and the next one is coming in fast on the bottom so she'll have 4 on top and 4 on the bottom soon.

Where's the baby?


Juliette has grown some really cute curly hair! Josh had curls when he was a baby and so did my mom.

Hurricane Juliette

This is what I came out to this morning after Josh's morning with Juliette :)

Happy Mother's Day!

Ahh my favorite day of the past year! After the baby got up at 6:20, Josh took over and I slept in until 10 :). Then Juliette slept until 11!! Josh also got me flowers and a gift card for Joann Fabrics--already spent! Tonight friends are coming over and Josh is on night duty, but I'm sure I'll be called on to help. For some reason Juliette really doesn't like to eat when Josh feeds her. Pictures to come!

More toddlin time

I decided to sign Juliette up for Toddlin Time and I'm glad I did. This week she was right in her element and not looking to me for anything other than help getting into the middle of the parachute! She took off on her own after the endless amount of toys as soon as I put her down on the mat. This week she discovered a passionate love for the ball pit and one green wiffle ball in particular. She took it with her everywhere while we were there. And yes she was able to climb out of the ball by herself.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flower Child


planting with Nana

Uh Oh

Check out my baby! Not so much a baby anymore! She is standing more and more on her own...she thinks it's a fun new game. She can stand by herself for a good 30 seconds now while holding a toy or reaching for something. Walking is coming soon!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Toddlin Time

Here is Miss Juliette having a ball at Toddlin Time. It's this big room above a tattoo parlor and a motorcycle shop..oh yeah perfect place for kids.


Juliette ONLY stands here when the Wiggles are on- We watch an episode before dinner each night and she loves the music. She bounces when it comes on- I think that has a lot to do with what she's taken away from Kindermusik.


Very Tired

Juliette had a busy day today and by dinner time, was exhausted! Of course we got it all on film!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


The other night, Juliette decided to be up from 3am until 5. This is what happens in the afternoons when she plays that little trick. She napped for about an hour in her crib and then wanted to use the mommy bed for another hour...fine with me since I was exhausted too.

Last Swim Class

Everybody go for the ball!
Blowing bubbles