Saturday, May 1, 2010

busy busy busy

Ok so it's been a while, but now all is quiet in the house and I can sit and get some info out. Construction has come to a halt after only two days of demo because of the insurance claim we have filed due to the mold. We had an adjuster out to the house last week- an older lady who had no sense of humor whatsoever. She needed to call an engineer to come out- he's coming on Tuesday. So until then, we're in a holding pattern with the bathroom.

Today was Juliette's graduation from swimming and she's now a "kipper" which I thought was like a sardine but it's a herring- a little bigger than a sardine. We got her a float for the pool this summer and a few pool toys. She went to a trial class at Toddlin' Time on Friday. It's kind of just a big playroom for the kids. The teacher reminded me of the kindergarten teacher from the movie Billy Madison..the kind you'd expect to eat paste right along with the other kids just so she could fit in. We'll think about joining. I'll put some pictures up and a video if it will work. When I first set her down, she didn't like the feel of the mat, but she ended up loving it.

Hmmmm what else. She's getting braver about standing on her own, especially if she thinks no one is looking at her. Pictures are on the way!

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