Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Party at Salem

Saturday night we went to Salem Fields Community Center for their Christmas party to see our friends' granddaughter do her little preschool program. When Julietter gets older she's is going to love it, but this year she was content to eat from her snack sup and bum popcorn pieces off her buddy Rachel. The tree in the center of the room was at least 30 feet tall. Juliette just stood there and stared at it. She didn't even try to touch it. She did show a lot of interest in the moon bounce, but I knew better than to try to put her in since she freaked out last month when I put her in one. Hmm and who are you scarey thing with no eye sockets??

Yeah she's shoving a Veggie Straw up her nose.

Hey Rachel.....gimme some popcorn! Mommy's not looking!

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