Monday, March 28, 2011


Some of Juliette's new words:

Allright- her favorite at the moment
I not
Bye Y'all
hide- learned that one last night while I was hiding eggs for her to find in the living room. After a few times, she brought me the basket of eggs and said hide eggs.

Bad weekend

We've been very unlucky this past week with stuff breaking. Josh broke the camera while trying to fix it, the fridge is leaking, the baby pulled on the wire of the portable DVD player and ripped off a piece of it, I tried to get the stroller out of the trunk and broke off a wheel, a knob fell off Juliette's dresser, the DVD of her favorite movie- Finding Nemo- cracked, and our wine uncorker thing fell to pieces---but Mom still got her glass of wine :). I picked out a new camera, Nana replaced the DVD player since a whole new one was only 20 bucks more than the wire I needed, the DVD will be easy to replace, we need to go to Burlington for a stroller, and the fridge may be ok and we'll just keep an eye on it. When it rains it pours right??? SOMETHING good will happen soon...I can feel it :).

Monday, March 21, 2011

First time in the sand

It was so nice by the time we got home that we headed outside to play. Josh had some leftover sand and dug out her sandbox. She had a blast! She only put her hand in her mouth once and didn't care for it. She shoveled, threw sand, dug with her shovel, and buried Nana's necklace. Of course she had to have her bling while she played! She LOVES this necklace and wants to wear it all the time. Juliette is such a girly girl!!!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Easter Pictures

Nana is back!

Nana came back last week to stay for a little while. Unfortunately she is sick right now...poor Nana. On the up side, Juliette was NOT sick for my cropping day yesterday---Josh was! He got a stomach thing and was puking. Thankfully Nana was here to take over.

I got yet ANOTHER coupon from Picture People for a free portrait, plus a free portrait from joining the picure club, plus 20% Juliette's new Easter outfit= a trip to the mall and NEW PICTURES!!! She went right up to the photographer and gave her a hug. Then she saw the little basket of plastic eggs and fell in love. She kept picking them up ans saying "Ooooh Eggs"!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Last night

Wow....I think it is safe to say that we have hit the terrible twos a few months ahead of schedule. Josh gave Juliette a Thin Mint the other night and she really loved it. She knws exactly where we keep them--in the freezer. Last night she wanted one and I gave it to her since she had eaten all her dinner. Then she wanted another one. Nope, sorry. Well that just set her off on a twenty minute scream fest. It didn't matter that she already had one in her hand. She needed one for both hands. Even a bath didn't calm her down. Finally after she got into her PJS she started to settle down and just looked at me and smiled. We didn't give in and Super Nanny would have been proud of us. Thank God we love the little booger.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Switched at birth??

I think it's safe to say no one will be putting us on some talk show about hospitals switching babies. Juliette is a little clone! Blonde....but still a clone!

Cute as a Bug!