Monday, March 28, 2011

Bad weekend

We've been very unlucky this past week with stuff breaking. Josh broke the camera while trying to fix it, the fridge is leaking, the baby pulled on the wire of the portable DVD player and ripped off a piece of it, I tried to get the stroller out of the trunk and broke off a wheel, a knob fell off Juliette's dresser, the DVD of her favorite movie- Finding Nemo- cracked, and our wine uncorker thing fell to pieces---but Mom still got her glass of wine :). I picked out a new camera, Nana replaced the DVD player since a whole new one was only 20 bucks more than the wire I needed, the DVD will be easy to replace, we need to go to Burlington for a stroller, and the fridge may be ok and we'll just keep an eye on it. When it rains it pours right??? SOMETHING good will happen soon...I can feel it :).

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