Friday, November 4, 2011


Juliette makes us laugh so much now that she is talking and having conversations. She really understands a lot and knows when she's doing something wrong...she doesn't like to be corrected. Gee wonder where she got that from. She also is beginning to understand emotion which is cool to see develop. When we were watching The GReat Pumpkin and Snoopy was crying she said He's sad. When he was laughing she said He happy. When Lucy was yelling at Linus she said Lucy mean. That last one has translated to Cindy's house when Amelia takes something. She will go over the Cindy and say Amelia being mean. But they still love each other as I saw yesterday when Juliette wouldn't leave until she got to give Amelia a big hug. She totally knows her pumpkin trick or treat basket has the good stuff in it. The other morning it was on top of the counter and she dragged her step stool across the kitchen floor, put it against the counter, grabbed her basket, chose a lollipop and sat on the floor to unwrap and enjoy it. I asked her what she was doing. She said I wanna kick's grape! Hey it's not all the time so I let her sit and enjoy a morning treat. Then I took the basket and put it in the laundry room. She didn't appreciate that. She ran to Josh and said Daddy, Mommy took my pupmkin basket! Get it back!
I told her that wasn't how she talks to Mommy and Daddy. She pursed her lips, smiled and said Please? What a kid. Last night she was playing on the floor and Sadie walked in front of her and knocked down her blocks. She said No Sadie! Time out! Josh checked with Cindy this morning and it's not her who is getting the time outs so we breathed a sigh of relief.

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