Monday, December 5, 2011

It's Christmas time!

We have been very busy in the Long household recently with all the holidays rolling together into moving. We are officialy closed on the new house and the movers coming on Thursday. Juliette has kind of figured out something is going on because we've packed her tent in the living room and she is a little miffed about it. She had a great time over THanksgiving break playing with Pop Pop and Nana and NAna thankfully decided to stay and help with the move. This kid is so excited about Christmas and Santa it's not even funny. We took her to see Santa on Black Friday and she ran right up to him and loved on him and told him she loved him and all that stuff. I've got pictures to post from it. And yes my camera is still on the mend- still at Nikon with no end in sight. I;m seriously thinking about just going out and buying a cheap back up until this is done. We are doing so many fun holiday stuff and no camera is driving me nuts. Last Saturday we went to the Christmas parade in town and Juliette was waving to everyone screaming Merry Christmas! Too cute. She is in love with those old Christmas cartoons from the 60s, expecially Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Watching Rudolph as an adult is a little disturbing because I never noticed (Josh pointed it out) that Yukon Cornelius is packing a serious weapon on his belt on his way to the Island of Misfit Toys. What does he intend to do with the train with square wheels???

After the parade we went to our friend's house to take pictures and she had Santa there for the kids. When he came out and said Hello Juliette I thought she was going to pass out from happiness. She had her own private Santa time for about a half hour and flirted uncontrolably with the man in red. So with the parade and Santa what does she talk about all the way home? Watching our friend's dog pee on the bush outside as we were leaving. "Jake went potty outside! Jake pee on flowers!"

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