Saturday, March 31, 2012

More ice cream!!!

We heard that sound again last night!!!! Josh had to break into his change bag from his poker winnings to get Juliette an ice cream cone!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


This morning Juliette wanted to be left alone and Josh said, "You and I are going to be stuck together like peanut butter and jelly." Her response? "You're weird."

Dying Eggs

Well that was an experience- taking Juliette to our friends' house to dye eggs. Juliette had a great time dying her hands, the newspaper, and occasionally dropping in an egg. She also liked filling plastic eggs with candy and didn't even ask to eat one until she saw the other kids eating. She likes Starburst :).

Juliette with Erin when she was a month old!

How time flies- Erin helping her dye eggs so Mommy can snap a few pictures :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Another great thing about the neighborhood!

Now that it's warm outside, we're meeting more and more of our neighbors and they are all very nice. But we found an even better part of living here tonight. When we got home from the mall Juliette and I were inside when I heard it...La Cucaracha..coming from somewhere outside...being played on what sounded like a Xylophone.


Juliette knows what they are because they come to Cindy's neighborhood and I got her a pop from it- one time months ago, but the kid has a memory like a steel trap I swear. She started bouncing up and down screaming Ice cream! Luckily I had a few bucks and we went to the La Cucaracha mobile and got a ginormous ice pop.


Juliette calls this her dollhouse and she loves it. She likes pretending she's trapped inside like Rapunzel and we have to rescue her. Having dinner in there the other night was like Heaven for her. She likes to take her play food and wash it in the sing and serve it to us out the window.

First bike

Emilie gave Juliette one of her barely used tricycles and it's been fun watching her try to use it. She actually pedaled a few times, but our driveway has a slight incline so she went backwards at first. I got behind her and pushed her, but when I stopped Juliette thought the bike was broken! I think she has more fun pushing it than riding it right now!


Juliette helped Josh with some home improvement projects last weekend. She hammered in stakes for solar lights and put all the weeds in the wheelbarrow. Big helper!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Just a laugh

Some of the things that come out of my kid's mouth---I swear I have no idea how she thinks them up. Sunday we went grocery shopping, came home, and I fixed her lunch. I just hear this little voice from her table saying, "Thank you for the yums you bought me. You are nice. You are a nice mommy."
This morning Josh came out of the bathroom all dressed for school and Juliette was sitting on our bed. She looked at him and said, "That's a nice shirt Daddy. Do you like my Snow White shirt?"

On another topic- Easter is right around the corner, this year it was sneaky. Last year we were looking forward to it because it was our first trip to the beach. We went to the mall on Saturday to pick something up and The Bunny was there. As soon as she saw him, Juliette got so excited and was bouncing all over the place telling the ladies in Kay's she was going to see the bunny and get her picture taken. Thankfully she looked cute! Then we watched the Irish dancers they had performing for Saint Patrick's Day. Juliette thanked me multiple times for letting her see the dancing girls. One of them had a yellow dress on and one had a blue dress so she thought it was Cinderella and Belle! I'll scan her bunny picture and post it as soon as I can. I finally got toner for my printer so I'll be able to print some of them out to send into the world :).

Friday, March 16, 2012

So cute

We have a new night routine that involves reading stories while Juliette gets comfy in her bed- it's cute. The problem is that she wants to keep reading instead of going to sleep. Last night we were finishing books and she wanted to read another one again as I was getting up to leave. She held my hand and said "Mommy, please stay." How could I not????? So miss princess got a few more stories, but knew not to ask for more when we finished. We have been so luck with her staying in bed at night. I really thought it was going to be a nightmare. We have also had two successful peeing on the potty multiple times nights. Last night she didn't pee on the potty, but she didn't have any accidents either.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Big Milestone

Yesterday Josh and Juliette were playing in the family room and she said she wanted to lay down. Josh covered her up with the blanket on the floor and she slept there for two hours! She's never done that before and I think it's because she now has a nap spot at Cindy's and isn't in a pack and play anymore. So Josh put her bed together for her to try out. Out went the crib- it's bound for Pennsylvania since it does convert to a bed, but Josh bought her a princess bed for her room. We had absolutely no issues last night with her getting up and she waited until I came and got her to get out of bed this morning.

Testing it out!

Ready for bed!

Fast asleep at nap

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mother Nature hates us

We had a good snow this morning---after arriving at school. It was coming down so hard and looked like there was some hope for an early dismissal or day off tomorrow. I was so excited at the thought of getting Juliette out to play in her pink snowsuit one last time. Then the sun came out. And it's just about all gone as I write this now at just before 4. Our only hope for tomorrow is that it's supposed to get down to the 20s tonight and it might all refreeze. I don't think so though since tomorrow is an SOL test for fifth graders in most schools and the higher powers won't want to upset the schedule. Our new head honcho is from Oregon and I think she thought 3 inches here was nothing, so we didn't close this morning. Oh well....

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I looked around the corner and saw Juliette moving her stool to get up to the counter where the Thin Mint cookies were. imagine my shock and surprise when what she wanted was the banana!

Breakfast in bed
