Monday, March 19, 2012

Just a laugh

Some of the things that come out of my kid's mouth---I swear I have no idea how she thinks them up. Sunday we went grocery shopping, came home, and I fixed her lunch. I just hear this little voice from her table saying, "Thank you for the yums you bought me. You are nice. You are a nice mommy."
This morning Josh came out of the bathroom all dressed for school and Juliette was sitting on our bed. She looked at him and said, "That's a nice shirt Daddy. Do you like my Snow White shirt?"

On another topic- Easter is right around the corner, this year it was sneaky. Last year we were looking forward to it because it was our first trip to the beach. We went to the mall on Saturday to pick something up and The Bunny was there. As soon as she saw him, Juliette got so excited and was bouncing all over the place telling the ladies in Kay's she was going to see the bunny and get her picture taken. Thankfully she looked cute! Then we watched the Irish dancers they had performing for Saint Patrick's Day. Juliette thanked me multiple times for letting her see the dancing girls. One of them had a yellow dress on and one had a blue dress so she thought it was Cinderella and Belle! I'll scan her bunny picture and post it as soon as I can. I finally got toner for my printer so I'll be able to print some of them out to send into the world :).

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