Thursday, May 31, 2012

Play date

When we went to the crawfish boil, Juliette saw Toby and James, the twins she was friends with at Cindy's las year and they were in kindergarten this year. The boys were talking about Juliette all weekend so we set up a play date for this afternoon. Maura brought them over to Cindy's to see her and then we headed over to Loriella Park and the playground. The kids had a blast and then, of course, the ice cream truck came by and I had enough spare change and singles to get all 6 of us (Josh, me, Maura, Juliette, and the boys) popsicles. It was great to finally be one of those parents who got to sit and relax on the bench while their kid played. Never thought I would be able to just let her go climb, but James is very protective of her and made sure she was ok. So here are Toby, Juliette, and James. I love how she is the girl, but she's got the scraped up leg!

Please go fast!

I seriously cannot wait for this year to be over and to spend some nice time with Juliette. It's been so nice going home in the afternoon and heading to our backyard and Juliette's little pool. I think she likes the blow up pool better than our big pool from the old house. The tennants have set up the pool- sucks they get to use the chlorine tablets we bought last year, but they have to get the rest of the chemicals themselves and we have to get a new winter cover. We were going to get one anyway--the one we have was meant for a smaller pool and is torn apart from being pulled so tightly. Now we have one goal for the summer---potty train this kid!! Last night I asked her if she pooped on her princesses (pull up) she looked at me and said No, well a little. Seriously how do kids learn how to lie with a straight face??? She is more than willing to go sit on the potty, but every time she sits on the toilet, she farts and thinks she is done. Oh I can't wait for her to read this when she gets big!!!! 10 days until we are home with lots of plans already in the works. Knoebels, train ride, splash park probably at least 3 times a week, library, possibly Camel Beach if we can get AAA price tickets, fireworks at the middle school, and most of all NO LESSON PLANS!!!! But who am I kidding I probably will bring my guides up and start planning for next year anyway. One of my goals for next year is to be better organized with the new reading system we got this year. There are so many pieces to it...I see myself making a huge binder over the summer. Need to get it all printed before school ends. Fun fun. Tomorrow is supposed to be field day, but it might get rained out and moved to Monday. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen because the kids are really looking forward to it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Almost there

Tomorrow is the last day of May and June is in sight! We have 7 more days days, four of them half days, one more SOL to take, field day, and then so long most stressful year of my life!! On to the next! We will be going up to PA for three weeks next Sunday (the 10th). Next year I think we will wait until after July 4 to go up to PA, but this year and last year we've had to go to weddings in June so up we go again. Can't wait!

Monday, May 28, 2012

No more pictures Mommy

I think Juliette is getting sick of being my model. Too bad.

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was a little crazy with everyone here, but Juliette had the time of her life. She didn't even want to stop to open presents for more than 5 minutes! All the kids had fun swimming and just running around the yard. Pictures to come!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Birthday Weekend!

I have never seen a three year old so excited about a birthday! She wanted to put on her cupcake dress right away this morning. I'm hoping to get into Picture People tomorrow morning to get her pictures done quickly...might have to wait until Monday who knows. Then Saturday after nap we are going to a crawfish boil at our friends' house so that should be fun. I still have to get drinks tonight at Costco and a veggie tray and order the pizzas, but I think that's it on my To Do list. Next year screw it we are going to McDonald's. I loved my McD's parties when I was a kid and the one on Route 3 by the mall has its own party room and really big play area. Done.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My little protector

This morning Josh and I were having a "discussion" about potty training--seriously the only thing we talk about these days--and Juliette came up and gave me a hug and said, "Are you ok Mommy? Daddy don't talk to Mommy. She is the best." She didn't like Daddy's tone apparently! :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Poker Face

Juliette loves anything to do with money. She went nuts when she saw Josh counting all his change for poker night and had to help.


This is from 2 weeks ago when Papa came to get Nana. He brought an early birthday present guaranteed to make someone very happy. She loved her big Ariel. I think this makes about 8 Ariels living at our house now.

Helping Daddy plant a tree

Breakfast In Bed

Shouldn't I be the one to get breakfast in bed on Mother's Day????

Techno Baby

I guess I really can't say baby anymore now that she is almost three (by the way when we went to King's Dominion last weekend they asked how old she was when we went through the gate. Josh said 2 1/2). She loves Josh's Ipod, especially the Disneyland App that has old Mickey Mouse cartoons on it.

Tea Party

She loves having her tea set all laid out for whenever she wants to have a party with her Minnies. This was almost a month ago because she has her fresh glitter butterfly tattoo. The lady that put it on her at the mall said it would last about 4's still on only now it looks like a butterfly scar. This is also her ultimate favorite dress. I think I must wash it at least 3 times a week. She will wake up and ask for her blue butterfly dress with flowers. Fashionista in training!


Like I said, one of Juliette's favorite people is Uncle Kiss, but she is getting to love Baby Eddie as she calls him. She likes being the big kid and showing him her toys (no this does NOT mean that she needs a sibling--we like to borrow little kids now).

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bad Blogging Mommy

Ok ok ok so I've been busy---sue me :). Getting through Juliette's flu like illness was not fun- Josh got it from Juliette, then Nana got it, although it was not as bad a case as Daddy and Baby. Mommy on the other hand managed to avoid the plague!! Josh was a little upset about that. Whatever illness it was, it took out just about everyone associated with our sitter. We had some good times since then --pictures to follow I promise--then last week Josh had to go pick Juliette up with a fever and she had a form of strep. Yay for us. Josh said she's had an awful year illness wise, but really it's only been three times. Granted three really serious times, but not bad. Croup/bronchitis, stomach bug, and strep. Soooo here we are a week away from the pumpkin's third birthday. Seriously where has the time gone? She totally knows it's her birthday and has put in her requests for cake and presents, more specifically toys. She also helped with the guest list and wanted to invite her twin friends who are now in kindergarten but went to Cindy's with her last year. Josh asked her this morning who she was excited about seeing at her party..loaded question Daddy. I knew she would say her buddy Emmy and that's whose name popped out. We went shopping for party supplies yesterday and she had a great time picking out princess stuff. She spotted princess cupcake toppers from across the isle, shouting look Mommy enchanted castles! Oh and by the way, she thinks we live in an enchanted castle. Guess she likes our house :). I was trying to figure out what to do for party favors since a lot of her buddies are boys and didn't want to send them home with nail polish or a tiara, so everyone is going to get a neon glow wand and a ring pop. Done. We are also going to have a treasure hunt for gold coins :). So kind of princessy/piratey theme. I'm just glad it's not Mickey or Minnie. And I, ME, MYSELF, am making the cupcakes- figure that would be easy. The kids are going to decorate them with sprinkles and dixie cups with chocolate and strawberry sauce, sprinkles, and cherries. Oh this should be fun. I keep thinking I can keep her parties small with a few people, but we just can't cut anyone out. We're lucky to have great friends down here. This is also the first of many years where May and June are nuts because all our kids' birthdays (Long, Cottom, Evans) are within four or five weeks so we are very busy between us. The good news about that is Juliette gets to see one of her favorite people on the planet- Uncle Kiss (Chris).