Thursday, May 31, 2012

Please go fast!

I seriously cannot wait for this year to be over and to spend some nice time with Juliette. It's been so nice going home in the afternoon and heading to our backyard and Juliette's little pool. I think she likes the blow up pool better than our big pool from the old house. The tennants have set up the pool- sucks they get to use the chlorine tablets we bought last year, but they have to get the rest of the chemicals themselves and we have to get a new winter cover. We were going to get one anyway--the one we have was meant for a smaller pool and is torn apart from being pulled so tightly. Now we have one goal for the summer---potty train this kid!! Last night I asked her if she pooped on her princesses (pull up) she looked at me and said No, well a little. Seriously how do kids learn how to lie with a straight face??? She is more than willing to go sit on the potty, but every time she sits on the toilet, she farts and thinks she is done. Oh I can't wait for her to read this when she gets big!!!! 10 days until we are home with lots of plans already in the works. Knoebels, train ride, splash park probably at least 3 times a week, library, possibly Camel Beach if we can get AAA price tickets, fireworks at the middle school, and most of all NO LESSON PLANS!!!! But who am I kidding I probably will bring my guides up and start planning for next year anyway. One of my goals for next year is to be better organized with the new reading system we got this year. There are so many pieces to it...I see myself making a huge binder over the summer. Need to get it all printed before school ends. Fun fun. Tomorrow is supposed to be field day, but it might get rained out and moved to Monday. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen because the kids are really looking forward to it.

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