Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fun Weekend

We had a busy, but fun weekend. Eddie's first birthday was Saturday so we headed down to Warsaw and Juliette had a lot of fun playing with everyone. She learned a valuable lesson about dogs and food....don't mix them together. She was happily in betwen bites of her lion cupcake when Maddie- Kelley's dog- came along and snatched it out of her hand. Juliette kept looking at her in shock and said Hey give it back! Nope. Not gonna happen. Of course she fell asleep almost as soon as we started the car on the way home. Today we headed to the water park at King's Dominion, but first she wanted to get on some rides so we went on the carousel and the antique cars- twice. The water was a little chilly so we only stayed about an hour. Once again munchkin fell asleep on the way home. She's slept more in the car over the last 4 months than she has in the past 2 years!
Right before and after the dog stole her cupcake!

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