Sunday, July 15, 2012

Uh Oh

Ok ok ok so I'm a bad mommy again for not blogging since summer started, but we have been non stop on the go since school let out last month. We just got back from the beach so I'll be posting those. We were in PA for a little more than 3 weeks and had a blast. The biggest news being Miss Juliette is not potty trained! Kind of. Poop is still an issue but now I can tell when she has to poop--she asks us about 5 times to go potty and does a little dance. When we were at the beach we used pull ups and she was not about going potty in the diaper. She gets very proud when she tinkles and ,because she loves Lightning McQueen, has a Cars potty seat I can carry with us. When she has to go she whispers to herself "Focus, speed, I am speed" for some reason--it's what Lightning says when he is getting ready to race. The list of things we did in PA is endless and it will take me a while to upload the pictures. I'll try to go in order, but for my sanity just know that everything happened sometime in June or July!!

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