Wednesday, November 21, 2012


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New address

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Friday, November 16, 2012

First night of Lights

Last year we went to see the lights at the mall once, but this year I think we'll be going more often.

I brought along this blanket from when she was tiny and now she won't let me take it off her bed.


Right after soccer we had Emillie's birthday party which was at Paragon- a gymnastics center. I didn't think Juliette would want to participate, but she did great. The only thing she didn't want to do was the trampoline so she hung out with Rachel who she hasn't seen in a while.

 Mom? I'm not doing that!


Back to the Field House

Juliette is back in soccer, but this time in the 3s with Coach David. I should have put her in the 3.5s but didn't realize if when I signed her up, so she is probably one of the older kids in the group. I think it is hysterical that she stands in the same spot in the goal that she stood in last year. The big difference is that we are not out there with her playing. She was perfectly cool with that and had a great time. This group does a lot of the same activities as last year except we don't have to play chase with her- they play with each other. Her favorite though was still kicking over the cones and picking them up.


We were walking in the mall and passed Build a Bear with their Xmas display and Juliette saw Rudolph...but then saw Clarice. How could I not get it??? When we left the store the lady told Juliette to hold on tight to Clarice so she doesn't fly away. Done. Rudolph will probably be joining Clarice after payday.

 Press her ear and her heart glows.
 Yes, she's brushing Clarice.

Tea Party

Arriving for the tea party with Jaq from Cinderella

 Princess Jasmine
 Belle and the "Beast"
 Cinderella walking around and singing.
 Yummy snacks
 There's Aladdin! His magic carpet must have had a flat.
 Fit for a princess!
 The bes part of her day.

 Doing her princess wave in the princess parade.

 Tiana and Naveen
 Flynn and Rapunzel. She told him he was Eugene.
 Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
 Ariel and Eric
 Snow White and Prince Charming
 Pocahontas and John Smith
 Ahhh--again the best part of her day :)

 She wanted to stay all afternoon just standing in front of the cut outs.

Lots and Lots

Yes, by the title let's assume that there is a lot to say about the first half of November that I haven't been able to post about. Soooooo here we go. Juliette and I were home the other day for a visit to the doctor for a cough she has had for a few days , but she's ok. She is loving Elf on the Shelf and finding him every morning. Yesterday he didn't return to the North Pole with a very good report on Miss Juliette though. I got home and Josh told Juliette- Tell your mother what you did. Ok that is never a good way to enter a room. She immediately began to cry and told me she had pulled a little girl's hair at Cindy's. Right away I wanted to pull her hair back- but I stopped myself. So we talked about it and she was not allowed to watch Brave, we didn't take her to Lowe's to look at Christmas things, she didn't get to pick a treat from her candy bag,  and she wasn't allowed to bring her toys to Cindy's today. Meanwhile my stomach is in knots over this and apparently so was Cindy. She told Josh this morning she was so upset because Juliette never does anything like that and she was wondering if the other little girl did something to Juliette first. But this morning we were in good spirits and I'm hoping for a good report when I go pick her up. (I'm in ISS duty right now) When he dropped her off this morning, the other little girl said her mommy told her SHE had to appologize to Juliette. The plot thickens. Dum dum dum.

Anywho---positives!! Last weekend was in the 70s out so Josh set up our Christmas lights. We thought we had a lot more than we do which is why we were going on a little field trip to Lowe's. Juliette makes us take her picture every morning with Rudolph..too cute.
On to the pictures! I've got princess party, leaves, lights, and rudolph. Enjoy!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Candy Land

Juliette really likes Candy Land---and really knows already how to cheat. We were playing and she said Mommy close your eyes, I have a surprise for you.
Well I closed my eyes and when I opened them, there she was looking through the cards for a princess! In this version, the princesses are like the candy we had old school that let you move far on the board---or move backwards.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

We went out for Trunk or Treat last night over at Salem Fields and Juliette was having a great time until we got behind a kid with a skeleton mask on. Then she was done and asked to go to the car. When we got home we found a ton of people walking around our neighborhood so Juliette and I went to a few houses just on our street and with all the walking, she was tuckered out and asked to go home. I think she was happy with her haul--how bout you???

Skyping Nana and Pop Pop!