Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Doctor Visit #2

Josh came with me for his visit and I'm glad he did. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I was getting nervous because the nurse couldn't find it at first. The baby is still way below my belly button, but once she found it, it was going strong at 155 beats per minute. A friend of mine said that means it's a girl because boys have a higher heart rate. I'm not buying anything pink yet. I was upset I won't know the sex of the baby in time to tell everyone at Christmas. My next appointment is too early to get another ultra sound, so I'll have to wait until January to find out. The other good thing is that I've only gained one pound in the first trimester! The doctor was very nice and I'm happy it's a woman. I think I'd be embarrassed describing things to a male doctor. She recommended sucking on lemon drop candies to help with my dry mouth. This makes sense since the only thing I've found that helps this is an ice pop that happened to be lemon flavored.

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