Saturday, May 23, 2009

Any minute now

Last night I was having steady contractions and as soon as Josh got home (maybe not the best idea to let him go with Scott to the movies) we called the doctor. She said to lay down for an hour and see if they kept coming...they did so we went in to the hospital. I got all hooked up to the monitors and the contractions were pretty regular, but not strong enough. We were given the option of staying and walking for an hour and getting checked again or heading back home, resting, and coming back when the pains were bad enough that I couldn't walk through them. The nurse said I would probably end up back sometime Saturday- today. So now my parents are on their way down and Josh is thoroughly enjoying the instant connection to everyone on his IPhone. We've been walking throughout the morning and so far, contractions are still steady, but manageable. Josh loved watching the monitors last night and telling ME when I was having a contraction. After one particularly big one, he had the nerve to say something about it being stronger on the monitor. That's the kind of comment husbands get beat over!

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