Thursday, May 14, 2009

Still here

Well I'm still at work. Why? I have no clue. I must love my job. I'm almost where I need to be for me to leave the kids in the very capable hands of my sub. I have rescheduled my leaving date for next Wednesday--only two days earlier, but it's making me calmer to have those extra few days. Plus that's my next appointment with the OB and we'll see if I'm still stuck at 2 or have progressed. I don't think I will have gotten any further because I haven't had anymore contractions like I had last week. Josh came to my room yesterday and helped me take home a few boxes that I won't need anymore this year or for the beginning of next year and it has made a huge difference in my room. I'm still trying to get things organized for the beginning of next year, but it's not as hard as I thought it would be....just hard explaining what to do on the very first day of the classes. We've been hearing rumors that the block schedule we use is going to be changing, so I have no idea what the days will look like next year. I'm hoping my class won't be changing too much or else I'm planning all this stuff for nothing.

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