Saturday, January 30, 2010


It's getting almost impossible to take her picture now each week with the little signs I made...I think I'll just have to edit them in with the computer. She squirms too much! :)

What I learned from Daddy...

Daddy taught Juliette how to open the cupboard doors! A useful skill as she becomes older.

I think she looks a lot like Josh in this picture. Plus she's making that new sound and you can see her nose all scrunched up :).

What's over there??

Juliette knows exactly where her toys are stored in the living room and each time she sits on the chair, she leans over to check them out! I had to move them from the baskets they were in to the big tub. She figured out how to take apart the baskets and I found her eating a piece of the wood...scarey.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

here it is

Here's her new sound in action right at the beginning of the video.

New tricks

I think Juliette is finally back on her old schedule of sleeping through the out for the lightning strikes when I say that. She started doing a new thing the other night while we had friends over. When she gets excited, she squishes up her nose, purses her lips into a kiss me smile, and snorts. Still no crawling, but she can now get from a sitting position to a belly flop by kicking out her one leg and kind of falling over. It works for her :).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


another video


Here are some new videos from today's kindermusik. She finally is not the youngest in the class! There's a five month old "little" boy who weighs 24 pounds and is is about 4 inches taller than her!! He's a bruiser :). Today she had fun again with her shaker that she discovered last week. It's so funny watching her in class because she knows what's coming when we start singing hello to everyone and she gets so excited.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a new friend

The Little Gym!


Here are some videos from my little star. This is one that shows why we have to be quick at meal times!

Pasta baby

Juliette had her first taste of pasta tonight- I gave her some pastina stars with a little butter. She loved it...loved it so much that she woud throw her hands up in glee...hands full of the little noodles...I'm going to be picking them out of every part of her body. I think I'll even find some in her ear!

She's over her ear infection and gaining weight a lot faster now. The doctor said to really fill her up at night so that she doesn't get up to feed in the middle of the night. I told her I don't mind feeding her because then she sleeps later, but was told it could create a night feeder again. Oh least I don't have to get up and go to work. Tomorrow is our favorite day of the week- KINDERMUSIK

Friday, January 22, 2010

The best toys!

I'm done buying her toys, she'd rather play with bowls and shoes.

Dangling the carrot

We are doing everything to get this kid moving forward instead of backwards. She loves the remote control so I put it in front of her thinking she would go after it. Well, she figured out that if she grabbed the edge of her abc letters, she could pull herself along.

Girly Girl

Juliette loves her purse- especially the money...hmmmm signs of the future??


I am so happy Juliette is over her cold. Nights are a lot nicer now! Last night Josh gave me a break and I got to go shopping while I kept her at home. I don't mind going to the mall with her, but taking her to Central Park is a pain in the behind just because of the hassle of having to keep getting her in and out of the car, carrying her around, putting on and taking off her jacket, etc so I usually don't go there with her unless I only need to make one stop. I got to wander around Borders, AC Moore, Best Buy, ahhh it was wonderful. This weekend is Josh's birthday, so I have to go get a cake today and a few other things. It's raining, so it'll be a quick trip out and I'll bring the rain cover for the baby's stroller. One trip to Giant should do it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The weather has been so nice the last two days and Juliette is FINALLY feeling better. She's still got some junk in her head that needs to be sucked out a few times a day, but she's sleeping better and is able to eat more too. So today we went to the playground at the park by the house and she is now able to fit in the baby swings! She really enjoyed herself, especially when I caught her legs. I put the blanket in front of her in case she decided to "explore" the licking it. Surprisingly she didn't even try!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well I feel like the worst mom ever. I took Juliette to the doctor today just to make sure everything was ok and she has a yeast infection---IN HER FREAKIN BELLY BUTTON!! They didn't cover that in the baby care class! Plus she has an ear infection....poor kid didn't even complain or pull on her ears.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another milestone

It was bound to happen sooner or later and it's here now. Juliette has her first cold. I have no idea how she picked it up since we haven't been out of the house since Saturday, but she woke up today after a rough night all congested. Her poor little nose is running and let me tell ya, she hates the ball syringe and the boogy wipes. I got a cool mist humidifier for her room and the nasal spray the nurse told me to get. Thankfully it's not effecting her mood- she's still all smiles. It's killing me to hear her breathe when she nurses (I've also bumped up the nursing). Hopefully it'll be over tomorrow or the next day. I think I'll be up all night with her again tonight. She's fine as long as she's propped up like for her nap in her swing- she slept almost 3 hours.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

too cute

I'd have to say that Juliette is at her cutest in the tub :)

I think she would stay in her bath all day as long as the water was warm the toys were there. I can also say that her eyes are certainly not brown like our eyes so I have no clue where she got the color from.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Take home toy

here's the little shaker she got to take home with her from the music class. I guess she figured she's at home now so it can go in her mouth!
PS- the bell is firmly attached to the flower so no worries :)


I figured out how to get the video from the flip onto here. Enjoy! Once again in a new environment, Juliette is very serious and focused on the task.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today was our first kindermusik class out at Wiggle Worms in the mall. Juliette loved it. They get 15 minutes at the beginning of the hour to "explore" the instruments and they didn't go in her mouth! She had a great time shaking the bells (video being posted on facebook). To open the class everyone sings hello to each child and when they sang hello to her, Juliette started laughing and bouncing up and down- she loves to hear her name called. She is the youngest in the class, but that means she also the only one not running around the entire time! I'm glad we're doing it and I think she'll enjoy it more as we go through it each week. We start little gym in two weeks for our free trial class. I think she might be a little young for that yet, so I'll see if it's worth it to sign up for a full symester.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Here's Juliette playing with one of her Christmas presents from her grandma. She loves to spin the wheel and hear the animal sounds. It's one of the few toys that she actually plays with instead of eating. You can see how hard she concentrates on it! A trait from her daddy.
I think the camera flash bothers her eyes...I've got many pictures like this where she looks a little under the influence.