Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another milestone

It was bound to happen sooner or later and it's here now. Juliette has her first cold. I have no idea how she picked it up since we haven't been out of the house since Saturday, but she woke up today after a rough night all congested. Her poor little nose is running and let me tell ya, she hates the ball syringe and the boogy wipes. I got a cool mist humidifier for her room and the nasal spray the nurse told me to get. Thankfully it's not effecting her mood- she's still all smiles. It's killing me to hear her breathe when she nurses (I've also bumped up the nursing). Hopefully it'll be over tomorrow or the next day. I think I'll be up all night with her again tonight. She's fine as long as she's propped up like for her nap in her swing- she slept almost 3 hours.

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