Friday, January 22, 2010


I am so happy Juliette is over her cold. Nights are a lot nicer now! Last night Josh gave me a break and I got to go shopping while I kept her at home. I don't mind going to the mall with her, but taking her to Central Park is a pain in the behind just because of the hassle of having to keep getting her in and out of the car, carrying her around, putting on and taking off her jacket, etc so I usually don't go there with her unless I only need to make one stop. I got to wander around Borders, AC Moore, Best Buy, ahhh it was wonderful. This weekend is Josh's birthday, so I have to go get a cake today and a few other things. It's raining, so it'll be a quick trip out and I'll bring the rain cover for the baby's stroller. One trip to Giant should do it.

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