Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter weekend

Juliette loved her Easter basket filled with her favorite instruments from kindermusik. We even got a day in Washington, D.C. to see the cherry blossoms. I will not go into detail about the whole parking issue, just know it took us almost two hours to find where we parked the car. I was very tempted to leave the Jeep in D.C and take the loss! Josh and my dad worked very hard to get the baby's swimgset put up and got it finished Sunday night. So here are a TON of pictures documenting the holiday weekend.

The beginning...doesn't look like much yet

Starting to come together....


Juliette loves her swing. Now I don't have to drive to the park!

On the Metro heading to the Tidal Basin for the cherry blossoms.

Juliette kept cool....with only her feet hanging out.

The Lincoln Memorial as seen from the WWII Memorial.

Juliette doesn't really like drinking plain water, but on a hot day and a grown up squeeze bottle and she was all over that water!

She kept begging Grandpa for more!

Having a fruit snack under the blossoms...just squeeze into her mouth and voila!

Josh was very proud of taking this picture! :)

Juliette liked the blossoms too!

On the Mall looking at the Washington Monument...welll the bottom of it.

The White house and Juliette. The lawn was all set for the egg roll on Monday.

Rock out baby!

Anything else in here guys?

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