Thursday, April 15, 2010


All last week we were without phone, internet, or cable. It was not pretty to watch Josh on vacation without Xbox Live let me tell ya. Juliette is doing great and seemes to have hit a learning growth spurt. It's like she learns something new everyday. Mom taught her how to do So Big and hold up her arms, she's doing some new sounds like guh, and finally something that sounds like mama. I'm sick of Josh getting all the fun with Dada :). I got her the Baby Can Read program, you know you've watched the infomercial admit it! It can't hurt her so why not. The first time she watched it we got about halfway through and she lost inerest. Now she can sit through the entire video- about 17 minutes long- twice a day. I'll post pictures from this week and last weel later when she's napping.

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