Monday, July 26, 2010


Today we brought Juliette to Miss Cindy's for a trial run. As we drove there Josh was getting a little nervous about leaving her. I was fine! we had packed her lunch and she had her puppy pillow pal with her- she still loves that thing! When we got there Cindy had two other kids for her to play with and she went up to the little girl and hugged her! Cindy had her toes painted so she checked those out- Juliette loves painted nails for some reason! Then she walked into the playroom like she owned the place! She wasn't clingy or anything and when I left to get her drink, I came back and she was sitting on Cindy's lap showing her puppy. We gave her some instructions about Juliette's lunch and left without a problem. Josh kept checking his watch to see when we could go back and get her and wanted to pick her up early. I just told him she needed a good bit of time just to interact with everyone. We picked her up and she ran giggling to us. They had played, had some story time, and lunch. The first thing Cindy said to me was how great an eater she was. Those of you who have seen her eat know just how true that is!! I'd say it was a good day had by all.
Thanks for the lunch bag Nana!!!

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