Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok so I haven't put anything on the blog in a looooong time. We've been very busy trying to stay cool. This has been the hottest July I've ever known in Virginia and we haven't dipped below 90 in weeks. I'm going to be uploading a whole bunch of pictures and video soon so keep checking back in. So anywho...updates. Juliette is becoming her own little person and has developed a wicked sense of humor. As you will see on an upcoming video, when she is eating, she'll take a handful of food, move to put it in your mouth and when her hand is right by your mouth, she takes it away and puts it in her mouth--laughing the entire time. Josh also taught her that if she wants you to read a book over and over again she has to give a kiss first. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. She is starting to point to things if we ask where something is. Walking has been mastered. She had a blast during our time in Pennsylvania and did fairly well on the car rides- God bless the portable DVD player! Our bathroom still is not finished. I've been to my school and dropped off my materials and tomorrow I think we are doing a trail run at leaving her with the babysitter. We've left her several times this month with my friend's daughter and she's been great so we'll see how it goes with Cindy.

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