Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another Update

We've been back from PA for a week and it's getting crazy in the Long household. At the last minute I found out I had to turn in an orientation packet for work so I had to run all over to get the papers filled out including a TB test and a form for the bank for direct deposit. Thank God Nana was here to watch the baby! I'll be loading tons of pics soon from our time in PA.

I was going to start taking Juliette to the sitter on Monday so she could have a full week, but then the sitter said there weren't going to be other kids there until Wednesday which is technically the day I'm supposed to be reporting to work, but because I'm new in my building, I'm going to the new teacher meetings that are specific to my assignment with my principal. So Nana is keeping Juliette for Monday and Tuesday and she'll begin Miss Cindy's on Wednesday. We are going up one afternoon to drop off her supplies and a letter about Juliette's habits. I was worried Cindy would think I was a nut if I showed up with a brochure on Juliette, but she laughed and said a lot of her parents do that and it really helps so big sigh of relief for me.

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