Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ok so I've been bad about keeping up with this the last two weeks- I promise I do have some really cute pictures to upload as soon as I get the chance. I'm at school right now with a few minutes to spare before the kids leave.

Juliette has been doing great with Miss Cindy and loves playing with the other kids. Yesterday I picked her up and they were playing restaraunt or something and one kid was at the register, one was at a little kitchen play set and Juliette was carrying cups around :). Today she is home with Nana because last night she was up until after 10 and I thought she might have been getting a little cold with a runny nose, but after a phone call home learned she was doing fine. Nana thinks one of the kids taught her how to march because that's all she was doing this afternoon! Josh and I have gotten a really good morning schedule going- we'll see how long we can keep it up. I get up and shower...he gets up to get showered, I wake the baby up at 6:45, she gets her milk and cheerios, and then she and Josh leave around 7:10. I finish getting ready and have breakfast and leave around 7:40. We pack Juliette's bag the night before so all Josh has to do is grab her baby doll she sleeps with and out he goes. I leave a note each day for Cindy in Juliette's lunch box about her meals and if there are any special things going on with her like the other day she had a diaper rash and we weren't giving her juice for a few days.
The first day of taking her to the sitter last week was really hard for me, but now I'm used to it. I can't say I like only seeing her for a few hours at night, but it is what it is. At least we have the weekends and vacation days.

My job is falling into place and we'll start pulling kids out of class on Monday for services. I don't have a third grade group, but I've got two fourth grades. I just can't get over how different it is from middle school- I've been living in that world for 6 years! Once I get the kids it'll all come back to me.
Ok stay tuned for pictures that go a few weeks back!! :)

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