Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

This is something that I've missed about teaching middle school for five years---the excitement of the kids. All month we're been doing Halloween themed stories and poems and songs. 8th graders would look at me like I was on drugs if I tried that, but the little ones LOVE it. Anywho...thought I'd share that little tidbit. Tonight we went to Salem Fields for Trunk or Treat. Cars line up in the parking lot with their trunks decorated and you just go from car to car and fill your bag. Josh was pretty excited about "helping" Juliette eat her candy. We bundled her up in her pumpkin costume (just like in PA with another outfit underneath since it was chilly) and off we went. I also brought her winter had with the ear flaps since it ties and she can't rip it off because I was worried she would fling her pumpkin hat off. She surprised me and kept it on the entire time we were there---guess she was cold too!! So here are the pictures!!

A special message from my pumpkin!!
Ok guys let's go!!!!

Hmmm Can I lift this?

I can roll it!

A warm up snack.

Meeting up with our friends at their car.

Stuff can go in here!! I love when stuff goes inside!

Here Daddy- you can hold my Snicker. Of course I'll need it back.

My favorite babysitter Rachel.

My buddy Emilie as Dora.

At home after my bath checking out my candy.

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