Saturday, October 30, 2010

Maymont Park

We were supposed to spend today with Chris and Kelley down in Westmoreland. Kelley called this morning with the idea of going to Maymont Park in Richmond which is somewhere I've been wanting to go with Juliette. So we quickly rethought everything and packed the car and off we went to Richmond. She had a great time with freedom out of the stroller since there was fencing everywhere, looking at the animals, and seeing her buddies Chris and Kelley. When she saw their car pull into the parking lot she pointed and started jumping up and down. She missed her afternoon nap and I thought she would sleep in the car on the way home, but she was too busy watching Mickey on the DVD that thing. She went to bed a little early and will hopefully sleep until after 7--fingers crossed.

Ready for the park!
Checking out the goats.

ok that's enough- Uncle Chris save me!

Hmm these things are interesting!

Sooo tired, but must eat!

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