Friday, February 4, 2011

Just quick one...

I wanted to just give a quick little update on everything. Juliette's doing fine. She has gotten to the point now when we drop her off at Cindy's she can't wait to get in and play. We can't even get her jacket off before she heads to the playroom. Now when I pick her up, instead of being really clingy and not letting me put her down, she'll come give me a hug, grab Mickey and Maz, and head to the front door saying "Go!".

On the work end....we are more than halfway done with the school year! I can't believe it. We have used up all our snowdays and now if we have snow we don't have to make them up so I say bring on the weather! This Saturday will be a Juliette and Daddy day while I crop the day away and work on Juliette's album. I finally finished the one from her first birthday party and it should be coming in the mail any day now.

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