Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lots to say

Ok so I realized it's been a while since I've posted anything---even skipped over Valentine's Day! But I swear I'll post some pictures as soon as I can. Juliette is talking up a storm and seems to add new words to her vocabulary everyday. THe other day I told her she needed to be good at Cindy's. She looked at me and said "Iknow." She'll hand us a crayon and say "Color". We had pizza the other night and she got all excited and screamed "Peesa!" When a box from Nana came, she saw it on the porch when we were going outside and said "Ooooo box!" This morning we had a delay for some ice--nothing like the 8 inches of snow up at Nana and Grandpa's house--and Juliette got up early so I brought her into bed with us. She looked at Josh still sleeping under the covers, grabbed the covers away from him and said "Hey, wake up!" She kept doing it and grabbing the blankets, pillows, him, and yelling at him to wake up.

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