Wednesday, June 8, 2011


We are very excited for our friends who welcomed their little boy on Monday- Christopher Edward Evans, Jr- Eddie for short. We get to go visit him tonight while Rachel watches Juliette. On the Juliette newsfront, she totally knows it's summer and time to be outside mre than inside. It's the first thing she says when we get home until she realizes it's dinner time. When I pick her up from Cindy's she'll ask for the pool and at home she will bring us her bathing suit and water shoes. It's so cute.

On the Long family news update- we got an offer accepted on a house. After 2 years of looking and seriously looking since this past February, putting on offer on two houses, we finally got lucky. The new house is in a very pretty neighborhood and is closer to where we do most of our activities. It's not much bigger than our house even though there is an extra bedroom and bathroom. In our current house the master bedroom, kitchen, and dining rooms are huge, but in the new house we are trading those larger spaces for larger living areas. The yard is also huge, level, NO LEAVES, and has a privacy fence. Now we just have to wait for everything to go through- keep your fingers crossed.

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