Saturday, June 11, 2011


Last year at this time I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach because the end of one school year meant the time was ticking to when I had to return to work. Yesterday was the last day for Miss Cindy's until August and I thanked her for allowing me to never worry that Juliette wasn't in good care. She loves Cindy and the other kids. So now we begin our time together again and I'm very excited. She's already had a few "beginning of summer" treats from mommy and daddy--including a lollipop. Now that she will be home with us again, we've got to remember not to leave anything out on the counters that looks yummy to her including but not limited to: lollipops, crackers, cone boxes, pretzels, chips, gatorade, cookies, chocolate, etc...not that these are regulars at the house. Josh brought home a huge bag of the dum dum lollipops he didn't give away and somehow Juliette knew exactly what they were. She's not allowed to have those ebcause they pop off the stick too easily so I gave her one of the organic suckers we had and she was perfectly content. She was sitting with Josh licking it when she started calling out to me as I dried my hair this morning---WENDY WENDY. Oh that is going to have to stop. We have no clue how she learned that since Josh doesn't call me that around her and I don't think many others do either--I am strictly Mommy.

This afternoon when I get off work- yeah I've got to work until 12:30--sucks, which is why I'm doing this update now--we are heading down to Westmoreland for John Ellis's fifth birthday party. Then who knows....IT'S SUMMER!!!!

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