Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sometimes when I'm talking to Juliette I just have to turn around and laugh at the things she says.

This weekend's conversations:

I guess she was getting tired of waiting for me to go outside so she took her gloves off.
Mommy: Uh oh now we have to put your gloves back on.
Juliette: Oh come on, you've gotta be kidding me.

Seeing the snow was gone from the backyard this morning:

JulietteL No! The snow is melted! Now I'll never get to play in it! Well, that happens.

She's also started to tell stories to her dolls about her dolls.
Holding onto Rapunzel: Once upon a time you were up in your tower and your mommy climbed up your hair. The end.

On Sunday morning with all us us cuddled in bed together, Juliette decided she would practice her stand up routine. Here's her favorite joke now.

Juliette: Knock Knock
Who's there?
J: Banana
Banana who?
J: Banana sandwich! hahahahahaha I funny.

I remember when I was so excited to hear her say hi!!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Ok I took over 100 pictures of the ice show so give me a few days to sort through them. We got some really good ones of the princesses. But here's one of what happened about ten minutes after we left....shocker.

One more video

So Excited


What a weekend! We made it to D.C. and back safely, the Verizon Center was easy to find, and we had a great time. I was a little worried about how Juliette would react to having to sit in a seat in the dark with loud noises, but I swear when the show was going on, she didn't blink! She loved it. She waved to everyone, danced to the songs, and just had a great time. It was well worth the money.

Before we left Juliette wanted to put on her Snow White shirt and I figured what the heck we were going to a Disney show, even though she had on her Minnie dress...there were a ton of kids dressed up so she fit right in :).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This weekend

To say we are excited about this weekend would be an understatement. I got us tickets to go see Disney on Ice at the Verizon Center in D.C. Yes, we have to drive into D.C again...something Josh has sworn against unless absolutely necessary. BUT I got a ticket hook up and could not pass it up. We got the on the main concourse for a fraction of the cost...about 13 rows back. I can now appreciate what Mom did for all those years with the Ice Capades ('member those?) and getting us in the front rows. I can't wait to see Juliette's face when Mickey and Minnie and all her princess buddies come out. Josh also understands that there will be a crapload (look it up, it's a real number) of kids there and it's ok if Juliette makes some noise! I have nightmares of losing her in the crowd since we can't take the stroller, but I'm sure one of us will be carrying her everywhere. Parking is 25 bucks, but it's worth it fo the peace of mind of not looking for a spot and forgetting where we parked...hmmm seem to remember that happening not too long ago! I'm very proud of Josh because he also said we would go to the zoo when Nana and Papa come down. Could it be? Two trips to the city?? Only time will tell :). I have already cleared off my camera card in anticipation of taking all the pictures I can of the show. I told her we were going to see Minnie and the princesses and I swear her eyes were huge! She doesn't understand the whole waiting for Saturday, but she knows something fun will happen :).

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hmm...yummy! Don't eat the yellow stuff kiddo!

Testing out the new boots!

Well we finally got some snow yesterday..not exactly what we were hoping for, but at least Juliette got to go out and play for a while. She did NOT want to come back in at all! She was happily eating all the snow she could get her hands on.

Love from our Valentine!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Party!

Well she's finally old enough to enjoy a football party :). Last year she was sick. We left before halftime, but she had fun while she was there bumming chips off of everyone and enjoying some pizza bites--a new taste!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

And 1, 2, 3, awwwwww

I didn't hear you awwwww!!!! :)

Children's Museum of Richmond-Short Pump

Here are a few pictures from CMoR. I'll post more tomorrow. There is just one more I found I have to post--from a long time ago...might even have it on here somewhere.

The magic beanstalk climber

Feeding the he cow- it would moo when you put something in the mouth. She is still talking about the cow and the sandbox.

Planting some veggies in the garden. You have to love that bucket up on the shelf in the background--that's the "Hey my kid licked this" bucket.

Taking a rest on the big pillow in the castle.

Finding the secret passage in the castle.

Uncovering treasure in the pirate sand box--really cool little rubber pieces.

Playing dress up.

Busy weekend

Last weekend was so busy, but lots of fun. We had soccer in the am- the coach was trying to remember the schedule to see if there was another one that Juliette could get into since she's really developing some soccer skills. But with me working Saturday is the only day we can do it. I think soccer will be her thing. When we got to the field house she screamed from the backseat, "We made it to soccer! Thank you Mommy!" Then after her nap we headed up to Potomac Mills to the Disney outlet. On the way up she said she wanted Peter Pan and when we got there, she ran right for the ONLY Peter Pan toy in the whole store. Then she grabbed the same toy that was Ariel so we told her to choose and she gave Peter a hug and put him back on the shelf- the girl has her priorities. She grabbed a Snow White doll like the Cinderella one her grandmother got her, then it was love at first sight. She saw Flounder. She ran up and grabbed him and started kissing him. Josh said we better get that one too. We stayed well under budget and she did NOT throw a fit like some of the other kids in the store. When we told her no, she calmly put the item back- like the 35 dollar Ariel head pillow. Josh took Juliette and waited outside and I got her a Sleeping Beauty doll for her birthday...shhh. She is totally into Tangled the Rapunzel movie and I gotta say that it's a pretty good movie! I think Josh is being affected by all this princess stuff..he goes around the house humming the songs from The Little Mermaid. Sunday we went to Short Pump (past Richmond) to the Children's Museum and Juliette had a ball. I wanted to get a family pass, but after driving down there and seeing it, while it's a really great place, it's not worth driving 140 miles enough to justify the price of the pass. We will save our money for the Kings Dominion passes. Next post will have pictures from the museum.