Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This weekend

To say we are excited about this weekend would be an understatement. I got us tickets to go see Disney on Ice at the Verizon Center in D.C. Yes, we have to drive into D.C again...something Josh has sworn against unless absolutely necessary. BUT I got a ticket hook up and could not pass it up. We got the on the main concourse for a fraction of the cost...about 13 rows back. I can now appreciate what Mom did for all those years with the Ice Capades ('member those?) and getting us in the front rows. I can't wait to see Juliette's face when Mickey and Minnie and all her princess buddies come out. Josh also understands that there will be a crapload (look it up, it's a real number) of kids there and it's ok if Juliette makes some noise! I have nightmares of losing her in the crowd since we can't take the stroller, but I'm sure one of us will be carrying her everywhere. Parking is 25 bucks, but it's worth it fo the peace of mind of not looking for a spot and forgetting where we parked...hmmm seem to remember that happening not too long ago! I'm very proud of Josh because he also said we would go to the zoo when Nana and Papa come down. Could it be? Two trips to the city?? Only time will tell :). I have already cleared off my camera card in anticipation of taking all the pictures I can of the show. I told her we were going to see Minnie and the princesses and I swear her eyes were huge! She doesn't understand the whole waiting for Saturday, but she knows something fun will happen :).

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