Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sometimes when I'm talking to Juliette I just have to turn around and laugh at the things she says.

This weekend's conversations:

I guess she was getting tired of waiting for me to go outside so she took her gloves off.
Mommy: Uh oh now we have to put your gloves back on.
Juliette: Oh come on, you've gotta be kidding me.

Seeing the snow was gone from the backyard this morning:

JulietteL No! The snow is melted! Now I'll never get to play in it! Well, that happens.

She's also started to tell stories to her dolls about her dolls.
Holding onto Rapunzel: Once upon a time you were up in your tower and your mommy climbed up your hair. The end.

On Sunday morning with all us us cuddled in bed together, Juliette decided she would practice her stand up routine. Here's her favorite joke now.

Juliette: Knock Knock
Who's there?
J: Banana
Banana who?
J: Banana sandwich! hahahahahaha I funny.

I remember when I was so excited to hear her say hi!!

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