Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not fun

What a 24 hours it has been in the Long house! We had friends over last night and Juliette and her buddy were playing and then she stopped to get a drink from Rachel. Well Rachel let her have a sip of iced tea from her cup and Juliette got this strange look on her face and started to throw up all over. Hot dogs, carrots, tater tots, etc. That was the first time she had ever thrown up and it scared her which made her cry which made her throw up more. We thought it was from eating and running around, but then she just kept throwing up. I didn't want to put her to bed and have her keep puking, so we pulled out the couch bed and hunkered down. She finally fell asleep around 9:30, but then kept waking up every hour to throw up. Thankfully she would fall right back to sleep afterwards. Of course I had to find something to smile about. I remembered in the Princess Bride movie how they knew a fire ball would pop out of the ground because right before, there would be a crackle sound. Well right before Juliette would throw up she would burp. I was up listening for burps all night. At one point she looked at me and asked what the stuff was in her mouth, I told her it was throw up and she just said yuck. This morning she thanked me for getting it out of her. She has been puke free today, but doesn't want to eat anything- can't say I blame her. It is going through all the kids at the sitter and even the sitter is sick. Josh is keeping her home tomorrow and mom will have her on Friday.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Not much going on this week. We got back on our work schedule and Nana is still here. They finally came and stained the deck this week and of course the next day it rained! This weekend is going to be quiet with just a birthday party on Saturday afternoon and hopefully some relaxation time. We are boring right now :). I'm trying to start to think about Juliette's birthday party and making a guest list- it's already over 30- shhhh don't tell Josh.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sweet Frogs

Juliette's favorite treat is going over to Sweet Frogs for frozen yogurt. It seems like we run into the Clouds every time we go there! She sure does love Ben.

Back to the park!

It's Kings Dominion time again! We all went yesterday and Juliette knew exactly what was there- Snoopy, Lucy, Charlie Brown, and Sally! When we got there she started talking about watching the roller coasters- something we did a lot last summer. Josh was way too excited that she had hit the 36 inch milestone and got a bracelet and was able to go on her first roller coaster Taxi Jam. She came off every ride so happy and even made the airplane go up and down with the lever. The only thing she still didn't like was the Virginia Clipper- the mini pirate ship. Can't say I blame her.

Ready for the new season!


Easter Basket

Juliette was very excited to see what the bunny had brought. She could have cared less about the candy- she wanted that princess purse! The bunny put four princess dolls inside it!

The Zoo

We went back to the zoo finally! This time was much better. We got there early and had a parking spot in the actual zoo parking lots. We decided to go on Easter because we thought it would be less crowded, but we were still shocked at how many people were there and by the time we left it was packed. Juliette loved it and was so excited to see all the animals. She did not appreciate the alligators and crocodiles in the reptile house, but getting to see a real live Pascal (the chameleon from Tangled) made her day. She also learned a new word that she uses every day now- Horrid. We went into the monkey house and the worker warned us that the smell was awful, but we went inside anyway. Bad decision. I've never smelled anything like that and hope to never smell it again. Josh just kept saying oh this is horrid. So now when we change her diaper, she holds her nose and says That's horrid. When we saw the giant tortoises, she said Oh no they peed and pooped all over the place!

What a change!

Dying eggs again

This time she was a little neater with the dye, but still had fun!

Get those eggs!

Once again she was all set to get those eggs. When she opened one she was amazed that there was something inside it! Unfortunately the eggs had been sitting out all morning and everything inside them was melted.

Off to the hunt!

There was a miniature pony at the egg hunt. Juliette was a little unsure, but eventually went up and gave him a little pat.

Not happy

Well I'm not happy Spring Break is almost over....but at least it means there are less than 40 days of school until summer and then up to PA again for a long visit. It worked out nicely last year staying for almost a month so I think we'll do it again this year if our schedule works out. Anyway, as promised here are some pictures from Easter and this week.
Ready for the egg hunt! When the church youth leader told all the kids to put their hands together and pray, Juliette did it and said Now I lay me down to sleep. Well she was right---that's when we pray at home! :)
April 7

Monday, April 9, 2012

Forgot a picture

Here's one more of her Easter pictures.
I'll be putting up pictures from our holiday weekend with Nana and Papa soon.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hey baby

How you doin'?

Oh yeah

This kid knows exactly what to do when a camera is pointed at her.


We are officially on Spring Break!!! Can I get a whoop whoop!!!??? :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Oh good Lord in Heaven please make tomorrow go by quickly!!! Tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break, last day with kids, last day last day last day!!!!! PLUS what makes it even better is that fifth grade is on a field trip and the whole afternoon is being sucked up by watching Charlotte's Web as an entire school to end our One Book, One School activity. Oh the joys of a free afternoon. Friday is a work day and we were given the choice to work from home or come in to our buildings. I'll be going in for a little bit- we were told not to go in early or stay late. Juliette is getting excited because she knows Nana and Papa are coming. She asked Nana last night over Skype where she was..can't wait till everyone is here on Saturday!!!!! Lots to update on, but most of it involves scanning pictures, which, I swear, I am going to do. We've been busy getting the house ready, well I've been busy getting the house ready. I stayed home on Monday when I woke up and there was this nasty rash over my hand and wrist so off to the dr I went to be given steroids. We kind of figured out if was from weed killer that dripped down my hand and then got under my watch band and got rubbed in nice and good. Fun times, but I got the bathrooms and living room cleaned. Wohoo! Tonight is my room and Nana and Papa's room. Yippee.