Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Oh good Lord in Heaven please make tomorrow go by quickly!!! Tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break, last day with kids, last day last day last day!!!!! PLUS what makes it even better is that fifth grade is on a field trip and the whole afternoon is being sucked up by watching Charlotte's Web as an entire school to end our One Book, One School activity. Oh the joys of a free afternoon. Friday is a work day and we were given the choice to work from home or come in to our buildings. I'll be going in for a little bit- we were told not to go in early or stay late. Juliette is getting excited because she knows Nana and Papa are coming. She asked Nana last night over Skype where she was..can't wait till everyone is here on Saturday!!!!! Lots to update on, but most of it involves scanning pictures, which, I swear, I am going to do. We've been busy getting the house ready, well I've been busy getting the house ready. I stayed home on Monday when I woke up and there was this nasty rash over my hand and wrist so off to the dr I went to be given steroids. We kind of figured out if was from weed killer that dripped down my hand and then got under my watch band and got rubbed in nice and good. Fun times, but I got the bathrooms and living room cleaned. Wohoo! Tonight is my room and Nana and Papa's room. Yippee.

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