Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not fun

What a 24 hours it has been in the Long house! We had friends over last night and Juliette and her buddy were playing and then she stopped to get a drink from Rachel. Well Rachel let her have a sip of iced tea from her cup and Juliette got this strange look on her face and started to throw up all over. Hot dogs, carrots, tater tots, etc. That was the first time she had ever thrown up and it scared her which made her cry which made her throw up more. We thought it was from eating and running around, but then she just kept throwing up. I didn't want to put her to bed and have her keep puking, so we pulled out the couch bed and hunkered down. She finally fell asleep around 9:30, but then kept waking up every hour to throw up. Thankfully she would fall right back to sleep afterwards. Of course I had to find something to smile about. I remembered in the Princess Bride movie how they knew a fire ball would pop out of the ground because right before, there would be a crackle sound. Well right before Juliette would throw up she would burp. I was up listening for burps all night. At one point she looked at me and asked what the stuff was in her mouth, I told her it was throw up and she just said yuck. This morning she thanked me for getting it out of her. She has been puke free today, but doesn't want to eat anything- can't say I blame her. It is going through all the kids at the sitter and even the sitter is sick. Josh is keeping her home tomorrow and mom will have her on Friday.

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