Thursday, August 30, 2012


While I was getting her undressed for bath, Juliette ran out of the bathroom singing Uh huh, oh yeah, I'm naked, oh yeah, naked baby, uh huh.

I hate Mondays

Birthday Party

All the kids at Amelia's birthday party. Toby wanted Juliette to sit on his lap.

Teachers' kid

The other night Juliette told us she wanted to have class in her room so we went to her desk and she did some work- princess stamps!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


This year Juliette has enjoyed the pool at the park, but is much more interested in the rides. I found apicture of her in the swings from last year and can't believe how much she has grown! I knew she was taller, but check out her legs!

bath baby

First day of "school"

She was so ready to go back to Cindy's last Tuesday. She jumped out of bed and wanted to walk right out of the door with her bumble bee lunch box.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Daddy's Day

I had to work today so Josh took Juliette to King's Dominion himself---brave daddy! And yes, she's wearing THAT blue dress again. I did laundry yesterday after she wore it to the party and she must have seen it in her closet this morning. I'm going to have to turn that thing into a pillow or something for her when she grows out of it!
Josh got her Sally from the Peanuts gang to add to the Lucy I got her and Snoopy that Nana got her earlier this year. She loves her friends!


We went to Ben's fourth b-day party on Saturday and Juliette had a great time. She was such a little flirt and kept holding hands with this one little boy and showing him her princess dolls..too cute.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Space boy

Josh was all excited to go up to see Discovery today. He must have taken 100 pictures from every possible angle.

And it begins again...

Tomorrow I go back to work and Tuesday Josh goes back and Juliette will return to Cindy's and her friends. I'm a little sad because this really was the last summer that she was my "baby" - next summer she'll be four!!! Holy crap! So now I have to look back at all the awesomeness (it's a word!) that happened this summer:

tons of time in Pennsylvania
First trip on a train
Four nights at the beach that were amazing
First trip to the Virginia Aquarium
First baseball game
and the best part of all---She is potty trained!!

Now we are looking forward to Nana coming down in September. Josh has season tickets again to the Redskins so I'll be a football widow most weekends until December.

Oh well---off to pout in my pajamas and eat something totally unhealthy and not think that I have to hear an alarm clock in the morning---BUT the meeting doesn't start until 8:30 so I am totally hitting Panera!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Yuck- it's August

August used to mean more it means back to school. Blah. But our August started great with Juliette washing my car and a trip to the Fredericksburg Agriculture Fair that we also went to last year.

 What fair would be complete without a demolition derby. Before it started Juliette picked out her favorite car- a pink Save the Ta Tas themed car and wouldn't you know it that was the one that won it! You can see it in the back front row.
Ahh yes spools for tables/seats

 getting a better view of the action

Up to date!!

Yay we are caught up! Yesterday we decided to try to get tickets to our minor league baseball team the Richmond Flying Squirrels and found three seats together down in front. Juliette loved it and lasted until the bottom of the fifth inning. This morning she woke up and said it was fun seeing the baseball players. Too cute. Her menu consisted of: A full dinner at home before the game so she wouldn't eat there (year right Mommy) at the game she ate half of Josh's hot dog so we got her one of her own, a bowl of grapes, some curly fries, and dippin dots.

 Wiped out--and no she didn't fall asleep on the way home.

Starting early

Besides getting Juliette some fine motor practice and teaching her to use scissors---I am training a future cropper!!
 concentrating so hard


It was great for two weeks that Juliette got to go back to Cindy's twice a week to play with Amelia. Then we had them over to our house. the girls had a great time. The dads tried to get them to play Once Upon a Monster, but ended up playing it themselves!

 Everyone loves the Sit n Spin


Well Juliette discovered the fun of letting water shoot up your butt at the park--Josh was not happy. I thought it was funny.

 Sad that Daddy told her to not let the water shoot up her bummy.