Sunday, August 12, 2012

And it begins again...

Tomorrow I go back to work and Tuesday Josh goes back and Juliette will return to Cindy's and her friends. I'm a little sad because this really was the last summer that she was my "baby" - next summer she'll be four!!! Holy crap! So now I have to look back at all the awesomeness (it's a word!) that happened this summer:

tons of time in Pennsylvania
First trip on a train
Four nights at the beach that were amazing
First trip to the Virginia Aquarium
First baseball game
and the best part of all---She is potty trained!!

Now we are looking forward to Nana coming down in September. Josh has season tickets again to the Redskins so I'll be a football widow most weekends until December.

Oh well---off to pout in my pajamas and eat something totally unhealthy and not think that I have to hear an alarm clock in the morning---BUT the meeting doesn't start until 8:30 so I am totally hitting Panera!

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