Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Beach- lots of Pictures!

First afternoon on the sand- that's our hotel in the back- the white one. We were up on the seventh floor. Juliette loved to push the elevator buttons and knew after one trip how to get back to the room. 
 Because it was summer, there were tons of free entertainment on the streets and we saw these guys twice. It was kind of a juggling/escape artist act. The first time the guy's shirt came off so when we saw them again, Juliette screamed Oh No! He's gonna get naked!

 Navy Band

 Little bit windy

 not afraid of the water at all!

 Oh yeah, that's my kid with her nose pressed up against the glass.
 VA beach is not a "let's go find shells" kind of beach, so we bought some and let Juliette "discover" them.

 Chilling out in the cabana.

 Playing in the room.

 Dinner time at the bar!
 Relaxing at the little outdoor theater and watching the German juggler guy.

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