Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Countdown to Disney on Ice!

I think I am more excited than anyone about Saturday's show in Richmond because A) it's in Richmond and not DC so it's not as intimidating a drive for Josh   B) we have great seats  and C) I'm more excited than Juliette because she DOESN'T KNOW YET!! I think we'll let her figure it out when we get to the venue and she sees all the princess treasures. And yes...I am bringing her Ariel wand we bought her last year so I don't have to buy her another one!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

All better

Juliette is all better after 10 days on medicine and I'm keeping her on the probiotics until the box runs out and then seeing if her tummy keeps working ok. Peeing is all better and bath times are happy again as long as we tell her we aren't washing her hair..we're just washing her back. Mom got her princess foam dolls that stick to the walls so that helps too! Juliette's buddy Baby Eddie as she calls him came to visit yesterday and stuck around for bath time so we just plunked both kids into the tub. A good time was had by all and poor Kelley got soaked by Eddie discovering that it was fun to fill up the cup and throw it at his mommy :). Amazingly she did not ask about what Eddie calls his B P..pee pee.

The happy couple earlier at dinner. Juliette showed him how to work the IPad!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baths stink

Now all of a sudden Juliette is scared to death of the bath. She doesn't even want to sit in the tub. I even got in with her last night and she wouldn't stay in. I think there are two reasons---1. She now hates to have her hair washed. 2. I think she's afraid she will poop in the bathtub.
Which brings us to another new issue. The Potty. She gets freaked out when she has to go to the bathroom now and wants a diaper. She keeps grabbing herself and saying her belly hurts. We are going to the doctor tomorrow (Thursday) to see if she has a UTI. She may have one from not wiping right or from having a poop diaper overnight and getting it in her "who ha". We will have a little lesson in proper wiping too. Ahh the joys.