Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baths stink

Now all of a sudden Juliette is scared to death of the bath. She doesn't even want to sit in the tub. I even got in with her last night and she wouldn't stay in. I think there are two reasons---1. She now hates to have her hair washed. 2. I think she's afraid she will poop in the bathtub.
Which brings us to another new issue. The Potty. She gets freaked out when she has to go to the bathroom now and wants a diaper. She keeps grabbing herself and saying her belly hurts. We are going to the doctor tomorrow (Thursday) to see if she has a UTI. She may have one from not wiping right or from having a poop diaper overnight and getting it in her "who ha". We will have a little lesson in proper wiping too. Ahh the joys.

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