Sunday, September 16, 2012

All better

Juliette is all better after 10 days on medicine and I'm keeping her on the probiotics until the box runs out and then seeing if her tummy keeps working ok. Peeing is all better and bath times are happy again as long as we tell her we aren't washing her hair..we're just washing her back. Mom got her princess foam dolls that stick to the walls so that helps too! Juliette's buddy Baby Eddie as she calls him came to visit yesterday and stuck around for bath time so we just plunked both kids into the tub. A good time was had by all and poor Kelley got soaked by Eddie discovering that it was fun to fill up the cup and throw it at his mommy :). Amazingly she did not ask about what Eddie calls his B P..pee pee.

The happy couple earlier at dinner. Juliette showed him how to work the IPad!

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