Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We're up in PA at my parents' for the holidays and were surprised with all the snow! This is why we like Virginia now! :)

Baby is coming along nicely and is getting more and more active in there---doing a mambo for all I know! I think we're going to have a problem sleeping when it arrives. Ripley seems to sleep all day wakes up around 4 in the afternoon and does its thing until at least 10. We'll see what happens when it comes out!

I still don't know the gender. We'll know in a few weeks and will post it with big banners! I was going to go to the hospital to get the 4D image ultrasound, but we decided not to and just wait to see it when we see it. Some people say the pictures turned out weird.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Got Cravings??

Ok, so it's cliche, but I really am finding myself eating more pickles (hence one jar almost empty) and olives. I can also chow down a whole tub of cottage cheese in two days. Thankfully all the stufd isn't THAT bad for me. However, I'm trying to follow doctor's orders. Last night I made Josh stop at Kripsy Kreme and I polished off two donuts :).'s for the baby!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dr's visit #3

Today we saw Terry, the midwife I saw back in October. She was concerned that I've lost weight again and should be gaining about a pound a week. Now I've got some catching up to do and have been given the permission to chow down during the holidays. Oh no, I don't think I can do it!! (sense the sarcasm??)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


While I was out shopping on Saturday. Josh was putting together the crib. I guess he was just really excited about putting it together since he's got to take it apart and do it all over again. We can't move it all in one piece from his office to the nursery because of the tight corner. But now we know what it looks like!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Upcoming Break

So Thanksgiving is over and we're sailing right on to Christmas. It was crazy as always over break, splitting the short time between two families. Next year we are staying home! The best part is that our next break is two short weeks away!!

We are pushing forward with the nursery! My mother found the bedding I wanted in the aquarium theme that goes along with a boy or a girl. Josh and I got a great deal on a crib, changing table, dresser combo. The one I wanted at Target had been recalled---oops! I'll put pictures up as soon as everything is put together! Paint will wait until we can match it to the colors in the crib sheets, and it also has to be done before we put in the new floor- of course by we I mean Josh.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Doctor Visit #2

Josh came with me for his visit and I'm glad he did. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I was getting nervous because the nurse couldn't find it at first. The baby is still way below my belly button, but once she found it, it was going strong at 155 beats per minute. A friend of mine said that means it's a girl because boys have a higher heart rate. I'm not buying anything pink yet. I was upset I won't know the sex of the baby in time to tell everyone at Christmas. My next appointment is too early to get another ultra sound, so I'll have to wait until January to find out. The other good thing is that I've only gained one pound in the first trimester! The doctor was very nice and I'm happy it's a woman. I think I'd be embarrassed describing things to a male doctor. She recommended sucking on lemon drop candies to help with my dry mouth. This makes sense since the only thing I've found that helps this is an ice pop that happened to be lemon flavored.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday Night Football

So the baby got to go to its first Monday Night Football game at Fed Ex Field. Too bad no one bothered to mention that it had been converted into the Steeler's home field for that game. It was frustrating to watch the Skins get whipped so badly by another team I like. We got home around 1:30 in the morning- thankfully there was a workday on Tuesday. I'm still recovering from the lack of sleep. At least I was warm thanks to bundling up in three layers. See Mom--I wore my hat!!! So here are some of the "highlights". The huddle with Cambell- you can also see Chris Coooooooooooley (47) and Clinton Portis (26). There's Big Ben on the sidelines after his shoulder got hurt and my man Troy Polamalu under all that hair in number 43. So now we have a bi-week before facing Dallas at home.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Good Idea?

I saw this at Costco really cheap and it looks like a good thing. Any ideas?

It's the Winnie the Pooh Gardin Spin. The only thing I'm worried about is if the baby gets too far forward and falls off the spinner thing.

Friday, October 31, 2008

September 15, 2008

I should have put this one first I guess, oh well live and learn. This is me with THE STICK on the day we found out about the baby.

Baby's Room

Until we know the sex of the baby, we're not going to do too much to the room except clean it up. Thanks to my mom and my buddy for helping me clean out the 5 years of stuff in the room, it's almost done. I'm going to have to do something about the posters, but I don't want to give them up! I guess I have to grow up and move on. I hope if it's a boy that he likes purple because I really don't want to have to paint again!

Monday, October 27, 2008

First Blog!

Yay, we've got a website! This will be a spot for friends and family to check in with how our little person is doing for the next nine months.....well, 7 months now.

So far everything is going well. The baby is in a good position according to the first ultra sound. We started out calling it Ripley from Alien- let's face it, that's what it looked like at first. Now we've gone to a few different ones- bean, our friend calls it Placky after the new Redskins punter- he claims it looks like a duck, I disagree. I feel fine most of the time. I think the baby knows I don't like to throw up. Occasionally I'll have the dry heaves- very embarrassing when it happens at school. Clothes are starting to get a little snug, so I had to buy a Belly Band- highly useful and comfy!