Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New stress time

When she was teeny, I would start getting the night sweats when the clock struck 9 because I knew it was several more hours before Juliette would go to sleep. Now that stressful time is between 5:30 and 7....that seems to be her new fussy time when it's too early to feed her and too late for her to be interested in playing. This is usually when one of us will let her cuddle on us and sleep for a few, but tonight she's not interested in anything except her yummy thumb. She's snuggled up with Daddy and doing her best impersonation of a car motor trying to start in the cold. That sound means one of two things; she's settling in for a quick nap, or she's taking a break before starting to really let go and scream. We'll have to wait and see what it means tonight!

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